ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory


SIGACT publishes a quarterly print newsletter, SIGACT News, which serves as a forum for issues of interest to the theoretical computer science community. Readers can keep abreast of professional events and announcements, and benefit from regular technical columns written by respected professionals in key areas of theoretical computer science. In addition, the non-technical columns, letters to the Editor, and minutes of professional meetings help keep the reader up-to-date on issues of importance to professional theoretical computer scientists. The Education Forum provides insight into the latest teaching methods and material, and provides previews of recent or upcoming textbooks.

SIGACT News Online, the electronic version of SIGACT News, was launched in September 1996 with issue #100. Access is limited to current SIGACT members. Each issue of SIGACT News Online mirrors a print issue of SIGACT News, and is available as a collection of postscript documents and scanned images.


Regular columns include Algorithms, Book Reviews, Complexity Theory, Computational Geometry, Database Theory, Distributed Computing, Education Forum, Logic, Online Algorithms, Open Problems, and Technical Reports. These columns are run by a staff of dedicated volunteers. Questions about and submissions for their columns should be addressed directly to the respective columnist.

Other regular features include reports and pictures from professional meetings, technical articles (unrefereed working papers), conference-related information, including programs and calls for papers and participation.


The current editor of SIGACT News is Stephen Fenner.

A complete list of past Editors is available.

Publication Details and Back Issues

SIGACT News is published quarterly by the ACM Press. Subscription is free with membership in ACM SIGACT, but can be purchased separately. A membership form can be found on the inside back cover of any issue, or obtained by contacting ACM Member Service Department, Association for Computing Machinery, P.O. Box 12115, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10249, phone (212) 626-0500, email

Submission Guidelines and Deadlines

Submission guidelines are available in pdf, postscript, and LaTeX format. A LaTeX Style file may be used to aid in manuscript preparation, and a small sample.tex file may help.

The last day for receipt of submissions is as follows (and these are hard deadlines).

  • March Issue: February 1
  • June Issue: May 1
  • September Issue: August 1
  • December Issue: November 1


SIGACT News accepts paid advertising for products and services. This includes job advertising, whether for tenure-track, visiting, postdoc, or research assistant positions. Theory Calendar entries and Calls for Papers will continue to be run free of charge as a service to the Theoretical Computer Science community.

Advertising is handled directly by ACM HQ. Enquiries should be directed by email to, or you may contact Ilia Rodriguez, phone (212) 626-0686, email ACM Advertising can also be contacted by snail mail at ACM, 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121, USA.

Help with Subscription Problems

The process of printing and mailing SIGACT News to subscribers is handled by ACM HQ. Any problems with your subscription should be addressed to